『平常一樣窗前月,才有梅花便不同 。』
l 「智源大師也曾講過 " 見山是山, 見水是水,
見山不是山, 見水不是水,
見山仍是山, 見水仍是水 ", 人生歷程唔同, 景就自然唔同喇; 如果明白到 " 覺生於悟, 覺生於自在, 生生了無生生" 就會明白到 "般若心經" 嘅空性並不是全"無", 而是不"執". 既然不執, "有" 與 "無" 嘅時候, 受,
想, 行,
識 又有分別嗎?」
l 「人生苦短,滚滚紅塵,人生自是有情痴,此恨不關風與月,有多少人真真正正能放手、放下、自在?原諒別人,釋放自己,未必人人都可做到,但至少不執着,抽離自己,由第三者角度從新審視自己和身邊人的關係,也許會有新發現和體會。」
What is ZEN?
回覆刪除Buddhda is breaking the new ground, he goes beyond the self. No-self, anatta, is your true existence. when you are not, you are. Of course, not in the same form as you have known youself. You are spreading all around cosmos.
You have to understand the gap between the words, the gaps that human can't be connected, however, there is Buudhda present. In the words he has to use the mind, but when there is gap, that gap shows emptiness, his nothingness and his beyondness.
參加禪修, 體會觀自在!
刪除Emptiness is not really empty; Emptiness is full of everything. The 'everything'just isn't manifest. It depends on one's experience and knowledge, so not every body can experience Emptiness.
回覆刪除Emptiness is the Buddhdist philosophy that all things have no fixed identity or inherent existence and are in a state of change and flux.
回覆刪除No only are all things constantly changing, but also if any phenomenon is analyzed in enough detail, it is found to exist only in term of it's relation to other things.